The Burnaby Horsemen's Association (BHA) is non-profit society, offering equestrian activities and boarding for members only. A condition of the BHA's generous land lease requires that the majority of our members are Burnaby residents. Burnaby residents are also given priority for stall rentals. However, the BHA welcomes members from throughout the Lower Mainland, depending on availability. Non-Burnaby residents may be placed on a membership waitlist.
The volunteer Board of Directors, which administers the Association, reviews all membership applications at their monthly meeting. Only after being notified of acceptance can a new member participate in barn activities.
All BHA members must be current members of Horse Council of BC (HCBC) and include a photocopy of their membership card for new applications and renewals.
Membership Categories
Senior Burnaby Membership - $140
Senior Non-Burnaby Membership - $165
Junior Burnaby Membership - $105
Junior Non-Burnaby Membership - $125
Non-Riding Burnaby Membership - $25
All Memberships are good from January 1 - December 31st regardless of the date the membership was applied for. The Non-Riding membership category is available to Burnaby residents only and offers local family members or community members the opportunity to be a part of our club with non-voting, limited access. For more details about the Non-Riding Burnaby Membership criteria, please contact the Board.
If you are interested in becoming a member or have any questions, please email us.